My Second Life: A Graphic Series

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Page 8 - redone

It's been a while since the last update. The artist, Daniel, recently had a baby girl, which delayed things for a while, but he has returned to working on the pages.

Not only that, but he's redone Page 8 in a new fashion. This is interesting because between this post and the previous post(s), you can actually compare two different interpretations of the same page. It is a good look at the kind of interpretation an artist has to do when drawing a script. Different people script in different ways. Some writers put every camera angle in the script while others let the artist interpret. I go halfway, for close-ups and establishing shots, I put the angles but for many panels I just describe what's in it and let the artist handle some of the 'directing'.

You can see the older version below, as well as the script for this page. This one is more rough but it has some more energy to it. It feels less 'static'.


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