I thought I would just do a basic script to image comparison with Daniel's WIP image of page 1 below. This is a really basic script snippet, but you know, if some random soul finds their way here, one might find it interesting.
When writing this portion, I deliberatly left off any dialogue or narration, instead hoping for the images to tell this part of the story and deepen her characterization. I think Daniel has done a great job in making that happen.
(Panel) 1. Jenal at a sink in the bathroom, splashing water on her face.
2. She gazes into the mirror at her reflection. 3. Cut to another flashback, to a few hours earlier – we’re inside the nightclub, chaotic strobe lights, the works. Jenal’s dancing in a sea of people.
4. Back to Jenal and her reflection, but closer on her reflective eyes and face.
5. Back to the club, Jenal drinking some alcohol.
6. Another shot of her drinking.
and once again, the WIP: